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Self management

At Startblok, tenants get the opportunity to help managing their own living environment. Every aspect of Startblok has room for initiatives and contributions of its tenants, this is called self-management. Tenants organize everything that can be organized by tenants.

Do it yourself

Self-management is a flexible system allowing opportunities for tenants to devise and implement their own initiatives which will help create a pleasant atmosphere and strengthen social cohesion. Self-management is split into two branches: social management and general management. Social management focuses on forming a community and social cohesion, covering everything necessary to create and maintain a comfortable, clean, safe and liveable environment. General management is responsible for all other daily affairs. For example, these managers are responsible for recruiting and selecting new tenants, taking care of social media, email and maintenance requests as well as coordinating social initiatives, activities and events.

Self-management ensures that residents are really involved in creating the ambiance and mutual cohesion on Startblok Elzenhagen. It is also a flexible working method that offers the residents many opportunities for coming up with and implementing their own initiatives. Our self management team consists of young people from the Netherlands as well as statusholders. In total there will be about 55 young people involved in our self-management team. They will live on the project as well.

Self organization
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